British Values
At St Sebastian's Church of England Primary School and Nursery, we take very seriously our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain. We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the Christian Vision and work of the school. Our curriculum provides a vehicle for furthering understanding of these concepts and, in particular, our RE, SMSC, PSHE and Citizenship provision provides excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Children embrace the concepts of respect, tolerance, rules (law) and individualism with enthusiasm and compassion, demonstrating a good understanding of these in their daily interactions. The school makes considerable efforts to ensure children have exposure to diverse experiences beyond our local community during which the above concepts are challenges and deeper understanding is enabled. Examples of enhancement activities include, sporting events, a range of visit/visitors, use of outdoor education centres and actively supporting a wide variety of local and national charities. Our Christian Values drive all that we do encouraging children to embrace difference and be respectful and tolerant of others.
At Saint Sebastian's, we teach children to understand fundamental British values in the following areas:
This includes:
- Promoting turn-taking, sharing and cooperation
- Encouraging children to give opinions, share their views, thoughts and feelings and listen to and value the views of others
- Ensuring that children know their views count, because they are listened to
- Allowing collaborative thinking and joint decision-making
- Providing opportunities for critical thinking and questioning
- History - Ancient Greeks
- RE-Learning about different religions e.g. Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism,
- PHSE - Circle time
- Maths-Problem solving
- Peer marking, Next steps discussions, Talk Partners
- Science- Working Scientifically, questioning, observing
- Children nominate others for the Good Samaritan Cup
- Voting for School Parliament representatives
- Visit from the Wokingham mayor
- Visit to the Houses of Parliament
- School Clubs- e.g. YR 6 Club, Eco-Club, Collective Worship
This includes:
- Ensuring children have the space they need to be themselves, to express their individuality and have a positive sense of self
- Ensuring children have opportunities to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence
- Ensuring children reflect on their differences and understand that everyone is free to have their own opinion
- Recognising that children have a right to make decisions about and be involved in their own learning and development
- History-Discussions about the importance of democracy
- Encouraging empathy
- Self and peer assessment in lessons
- Sharing assemblies
- Class assemblies/museums
- Class charters
- Regular opportunities to choose own learning
- Year 6 Buddies for Reception
- Debating
- Eco –Club
- School Parliament
- Internet-Safety Day
- E-Safety Day
- Celebration of Black History Month
- Residential trips- Year 3/Year 4 Ufton Court and Year 5/Year 6 – Manor Adventure
- School plays and concerts
- JC Week
- PHSE lessons
This includes:
- Encouraging children to follow established routines
- Helping children understand that rules and routines apply to everyone
- Helping children distinguish right from wrong
- Enable a culture where children understand their behaviour and that of others’ and its consequences
- Helping children set their own appropriate behaviour boundaries and rules
- Class charters
- Year 6 Charter
- Family points awarded for good work and behaviour
- Circle time discussions about right and wrong, bullying etc.
- RE-Discussions about social morality and parables
- English-Stories/Poetry with morals
- Collective Worship led by Head teacher and teachers about the importance of rules
- School Vision and Ethos
- Family Group plays written by Year 6
- Church Assemblies
- Sharing the School Behaviour Policy with Parents
- Parent Forum
- School Parliament-participating in whole school decision-making
- Internet Safety Day
This includes:
- Encouraging positive relationships
- Celebrating differences and similarities
- Teaching children to think of others; to be thoughtful and empathetic
- Helping children to manage frustration and resolve conflict
- Encouraging kindness
- Challenging negative attitudes and stereotypes
- RE-Learning about and celebrating some aspects of different faiths
- History/Geography-Learning about customs of different continents and countries
- PHSE lessons
- School Links with Mityana (Uganda)
- Visit to Imperial War Museum
- MFL lessons learning about French culture
- Saint Day assemblies
- Class library books
This includes:
- Ensuring a culture of inclusivity
- Recognising and celebrating different faiths, beliefs, customs and celebrations
- Celebrating similarities and differences
- Teaching children to think of others; to be thoughtful and empathetic
- Engaging in a wider community where all views, faiths, cultures and races are valued
- Challenging negative attitudes and stereotypes
- Actively using resources that reflect a multi-faith and multi-cultural Britain
- RE-Learning about and celebrating some aspects of different faiths
- History/Geography-Learning about customs of different continents and countries
- History – World War 2
- Y4/Y6 visit to mosque in Reading
- MFL- Native French speaker in Y6 French lessons
- School Links with Mityana (Uganda)
- Staff Handbook
- Visit to Imperial War Museum
- MFL lessons learning about French culture
- Saint Day assemblies
- Class library books